Technical ServicesTechnical ServicesTechnical Services
AI Qusais Area 2 Street 13th warehouse no. 8


Get the best quality of work by the professional workers within affordable prices. Commercial fit-out construction describes the work of building an interior commercial space to fulfill the requirements of a client or an occupant. This fit-out work can also be termed as tenant improvements. The cost and element may be perceived to be covered by tenants or the landlord may cover some of the fit-out costs. Commercially fit-out work procedures are categorized as category A, Category B, and shell core fit-outs. The basic understanding of category helps you to make a firm decision when fitting out a commercial space.We provide the best service of Technical service Dubai

Our company

Our company ADULLAH THANI TECHNICAL SEVRICES is one o the leading Technical service Dubai. We provide our customers the best quality o within time by our expert workers. Abdulla Thani Technical Service always intends to provide its best service with creating massive changes in your living styles shortly. We are creative enough to deal with all kinds of services to make your living premises outstanding and incredible with our creative and ideal methodology. Connect with Abdullah Thani Technical Services to experience the most professional and executive services in Dubai.
Services our company provide


Malfunctioning of the system is the most common problem that people face due to improper AC maintenance. You will not be experiencing efficient cooling but end up paying higher utility bills. Uneven cooling is yet another problem. Improper cleaning of air filters decreases the overall efficiency of the system.

Fit out works

This term refers to the process of developing an interior space appropriate and suitable for occupation. The word “ Fitout” stands for construction purposes. Fitout procedures involve all the mechanical work, electrical work, decorating, and furnishing the interior space of a building suitable for occupation by a tenant.


  • Smart Glass Masters

    April 1, 2023 - 8:04 am

    Smart glass, also known as switchable glass or privacy glass, is a unique and innovative technology that has revolutionized the way we think about traditional glass. Unlike traditional glass, smart glass can switch between transparent and opaque states, providing users with enhanced privacy, control over lighting and temperature, and an overall improved experience.

  • Smart Glass Masters

    April 1, 2023 - 8:04 am

    Smart glass, also known as switchable glass or privacy glass, is a unique and innovative technology that has revolutionized the way we think about traditional glass. Unlike traditional glass, smart glass can switch between transparent and opaque states, providing users with enhanced privacy, control over lighting and temperature, and an overall improved experience.

  • AC SERVICES - Abdulla Thani Technical Services

    December 21, 2023 - 10:22 am

    […] living premises outstanding and incredible with our creative and ideal methodology. Connect with Abdullah Thani Technical Services to experience the most professional and executive services in […]

  • AC SERVICES - Abdulla Thani Technical Services

    December 21, 2023 - 10:22 am

    […] living premises outstanding and incredible with our creative and ideal methodology. Connect with Abdullah Thani Technical Services to experience the most professional and executive services in […]

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